Here are four examples of the hitchhiking ape corkscrew designed by Rohac as a pretzel holder (model #327); all are smaller copies of it, with worms added.
Ape #1, with its right arm down, is exactly as the pretzel holder. It is marked with a very crude [RR, MADE IN AUSTRIA], It fails the usability and marks test. This is a very uncomfortable corkscrew to hold as the arm punches into your palm; however bending the arm up made the other versions slightly more acceptable.
Ape #2 has a fake [RR, MADE IN AUSTRIA]. The [MADE IN AUSTRIA] is straight rather than curved. It fails the usability and worm test.
Ape #3 is a smaller copy (123 gm) of #2 in some sort of silver-coloured metal never used by Hagenauer marked [RENA, wHw, MADE IN AUSTRIA]. Interestingly this is the identical [MADE IN AUSTRIA] mark found on #2. It fails the usability, mark and material test.
Ape #4 is also a smaller copy (131 gm) of #2, marked [HANDMADE, wHw, HAGENAUER WIEN]. It fails the usability, mark and finish test.
Ape #5 is a copy of the Rohac model #36 marked [RENA].
It fails the mark and finish test.
Ape #6 is a copy of the Rohac model #341 marked [wHw, HAGENAUER WIEN].
It fails the mark and finish test.
Almost all Rohac corkscrews, and many of his figurines,
have been copied and marked to suit the target market.